新住所: 〒154-0014 世田谷区新町1-21-16 Google Map
最寄り駅: 東急田園都市線 桜新町駅 (徒歩10分)
新電話番号: 03-3425-2400
新FAX番号: 03-3425-2402
営業開始: 2014年7月14日(月)
Technical Supply Japan Co., Ltd. move to the following address as of July 14.
Please ensure that all your departments are aware of this (Shipping and Accounting)
and amend your records accordingly.
New Address (as of July 14):
1-21-16 Shinmachi, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo 154-0014 Japan
New phone number: 81-3-3425-2400
New fax number: 81-3-3425-2402
Thank you for your kind attention and continuous support.